Labor Day weekend isn't that far away, which means I am busily working to get ready for WriterCon 2023 in Oklahoma City. This year, I've got two breakout sessions I'll be facilitating. I'm also participating in PitchFest, several panel discussions, and other events. This is the writer's conference that launched my writing career, and it can help you too. This is not a paid ad. It's my testimonial. I've been to other conferences, but this one is the best, in my opinion. So much so, that I have convinced friends to come from as far away as New Hampshire, Missouri and Florida. They won't regret it, and neither will you. Register today at: www.writercon.com
On top of all that, I'm busily working to finish a new novel. I just hit the 50K word mark on my second draft of Safe Enough (working title). This book isn't part of The Veritas Codex series but has the potential to launch a new series. I'll be pitching it at WriterCon, so we'll see how it goes.
Don't worry though, I'm also working on book 7 in The Veritas Codex series, The King's Ransom. I've already got the first draft finished so it's just a matter of rewriting and cleaning it up. I'm not saying it'll be ready this month, but once I get past August and September, I'll be able to give it my full attention.
And yes, I hear you saying, "Come on, Betsey. What's the hold up? You're a wonder woman. You type 145 wpm. What's taking so long?" Well, there's one other project on my plate. Autumn Tales 2 is coming and I'm still working on my submission! The deadline is just two weeks away and I've barely scratched the surface of my twisted tale for this year's anthology.
Did I mention I have a day job, too?
Be the first to know when my next book is available! Follow me at www.bookbub.com/authors/betsey-kulakowski to get an alert whenever I have a new release, preorder, or discount! (And I'll return the favor.)
Nice update. Good luck.