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The Life of Pi(rates)

Writer: authorbetseykauthorbetseyk

I realize The Lost Templar has only been out for about two months, and it's received some decent acclaim. I was absolutely thrilled this week to see that ALL FIVE books were in the top 1,000 of their primary categories on Amazon this week, and The Veritas Codex (book 1) was in the top 20. Unfreakingbelievable!

Ya'll! I have been busy working to get Book 6 - The Pirate's Curse ready to go to publication. It's gone to editors and beta readers and a few early ARC readers. But today, I got back the first proofs from the cover artist and OMG! I cannot tell you how surprised and excited I was by what she came up with. You are going to LOVE it! And you'll have to trust me on this one, because we're not ready for the cover reveal just yet. But know, we are getting sooooo close. I hope to have a release date, cover art and other info to share with you VERY soon.

Meanwhile, I have been a busy author (#writerslife), making edits and starting on revising book 7 -- yes! It's written! But I also made a couple of public appearances lately. I spoke to the Oklahoma City Writers, Inc group last weekend on the topic of Imposter Syndrome and how to overcome it. I also had a book signing -- along with some of my friends -- at Full Circle Bookstore. We had SO many people stop buy books. (Not enough to quit the day job, but that's not my focus right now anyway. Right now, I just want to tell good stories and hope others join me in my madness. The legions of fans will happen eventually, and I'm okay with that, too.) And I have several podcast appearances come up. (I'll share more when I know the air dates.)

Since this weekend, I've had several friends reach out to ask about where they can find my books locally. As a big supporter of local Independent Bookstores, I am happy to share and love that you like shopping local, too! So, here in the Oklahoma City area, you can find my books at Full Circle Bookstore, as well as Deer Clan Books in Bethany and Commonplace Books in Edmond.

While you wait for the next book in the series, I have a request for all my fans. If you've read my books and haven't posted a review on Amazon, could I please beg your favor? As of this writing, there are 159 reviews for The Veritas Codex. I like round numbers and I cannot lie. It bugs me when I'm stuck on the odd ones, and it's been a while since we've seen a new review on Book 1. The Jaguar Queen currently has 41 reviews. Fifty is the magic number when it comes to book reviews. Several of the marketing platforms and internet algorithms won't pay you any mind until you have 50 terrific reviews, and we're sooo close on The Jaguar Queen. I'd like to get there before The Pirate's Curse comes out, if we can. The Alien Accord has 26 reviews, so we have a little more work to do to get those numbers up. The Monk's Grimoire is up to 20 reviews, and The Lost Templar is stuck at 7. While 7 is a lucky number, it doesn't help an author very much. Please help?

If you've already reviewed the books, I am so thankful! Thos five little stars and a few nice words mean so much because it helps other readers find new books they might love, too and it helps brings me one step closer to that legion of fans I'm working towards.

But truly, thank you!!



©2025 by Author Betsey Kulakowski

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