I'm often asked how I've managed to achieve success -- usually before they try to sell me on their services, or the services of their publicist/agent/whatever -- and I have a few simple things on that list.
Be nice. No one likes working with someone who's difficult to be around. I don't like to argue and I'm the last one to say anything negative (though I can lose my cool when I'm tested).
Be humble. There are a lot of things I'm good at, but there are also areas where I struggle, so I know that I am not "all that and a bag of chips". I'm just a girl, sitting in front of a computer, trying to tell good stories that people will love. If even one person picks up something meaningful on the pages, then I have all the success I could ever need. (And thank you!)
Be ready for anything. Sometimes, being at the right place, at the right time makes all the difference. I pulled out of Oklahoma City yesterday morning to go on an adventure. My buddies over at the Middle Aged & Creeped Out Podcast are doing their first live show and I wanted to be there to support them. My author-buddy Micah Campbell was slated to appear. Bonus! I love that guy, too! I was also looking forward to meeting Jerry & Tracey from the Hillbilly Horror Stories, and Erin Egnatz from Hauntings Around America. Thursday evening, I found out Micah's oldest daughter was sick, and he was monitoring for symptoms. Six hours into the drive, I got a message that he was going to have to cancel, and I was asked to fill in for him. While I knew I could never fill his shoes, I also knew that I could help. Of course, I agreed to fill in.
So here we are, just a few hours from my first live performance, completely off the cuff, with less than 24 hours of preparation and not nearly enough caffeine (I think I'll stop for a mocha on my way.) I'm debating on the throughline for tonight's presentation. "Some truths were never meant to be told, but since I'm here ..." or "Adventure is what you make of it ..." I guess we'll see what The Boys want, and how the spirit moves me.
Get well soon, Micah!

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