Welcome 2024! There is a lot on the horizon of this new year, and I can't wait to tell you about it all!
First up in 2024, I'll be appearing on the January 9th episode of the Okie BookCast, with my friend J Hall, talking about one of my favorite books - maybe yours too - Where the Red Fern Grows. I promise you I'm going to point out something you NEVER noticed in the book.
Second, on January 11th you can tune in to the debut of the Unfreakingbelievable Podcast with my lovely co-hosts Jenny LaBranche and JB Caine. Truth is stranger than fiction but that's because fiction is obligated to stick to possibility. Truth isn't. We'll bring you stories about the moments that make a difference in everyday life -- stories of the bizarre, blind luck and the miraculous that have altered the course of our guest's lives -- all because of one inciting incident. Episodes will drop on the 11th and 27th of each month wherever podcasts are available!
We hope you'll follow us on Instagram & and TikTok (@UFBpodcastand join our Facebook Group.
3. I'll be speaking to the Oklahoma Christian Fiction Writers group on January 20th in Edmond Oklahoma. The topic is Social Media Marketing for Authors. Check out their Facebook page for details.

Be the first to know when my next book is available! Follow me and (all your favorite authors) at www.bookbub.com/authors/betsey-kulakowski to get an alert whenever I have a new release, preorder, or discount!
You can also follow me on Instagram, Threads, and TikTok @AuthorBetseyK, on Twitter (or if you prefer X) @bkoolie, or on my author's Facebook Page at AuthorBetseyKulakowski.
And be sure to check out my many podcast appearances. Links to all of them are back on the main page, just scroll down and keep scrolling. There are a lot of them!