One of the questions I get asked is, "Do you believe in Bigfoot?" Like many, I'm not sure how I feel about that question. Like Agent Mulder on the X-Files, I want to believe. But unlike many I'm willing to go looking for Bigfoot. Seek and ye shall find...
I am an avid hiker, so I'm often out in the woods looking for peace and quiet. We love it so much; my husband refers to it as his church. He goes to commune with nature. I like that, too, but I'm also looking for prints. I've nearly tripped over my own feet looking for signs of anything out of place. I've found wolf tracks, bear tracks, deer tracks, wabbit twacks ... just about anything you could imagine. But alas, I have yet to find bigfoot tracks.
That doesn't stop me from seeking answers. I am curious, always. I always want to learn more about the world around me, so I am thrilled to death to announce, I'll be at the 2023 Kiamichi Mountains Bigfoot Conference - May 19-21st in Talihina, Oklahoma. In addition to learning from the great speakers that will be on hand, I'll be among the authors with a table and books to sell. I'll also happily sign autographs and answer any questions about my books, Bigfoot, and anything else I can.
The conference is suited for all ages so bring the whole family to enjoy the activities and shop the diverse array of vendors. Kiamichi Mountains Bigfoot Conference, May 20th-21st, admission fees: Pre purchase ticket price per day: $35 - adults, $17 - kids 10 to 18.
At the door ticket price per day: $40 - adults, $20 - kids 10 to 18.
Pre-purchase two-day event pass price: $60 - adults, $30 - kids 10 to 18 At the door two-day event pass price: $70. - adults, $40 - kids 10 to 18 Kids under 10 get in free!
Purchase tickets at:

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