I am back from the joyful place that is WriterCon. Four years to the date after my first book published, I achieved another milestone that is one for the record books. THE KING'S RANSOM won FIRST PLACE in Published Fiction and Ghosts & Gumbo - a piece I'm working on with my besties Jen & Jenny - won FIRST PLACE in the Unpublished Fiction category.

I was completely gob smacked, but so thrilled!
If you've been following along, you'll know that THE KING'S RANSOM is book 7 in The Veritas Codex Series and was just released a few weeks ago. It's doing quite well and so far, we've already got 7 terrific reviews. (Thanks to everyone for taking a moment to do that. I truly appreciate it!)
This is probably the first you're hearing of Ghosts & Gumbo (unless you were at WriterCon). It's "Book 1 of the Thursday Night Coven Series" - or so we're calling it at the moment. It's a cozy paranormal, but it's not finished yet. Before you start asking when you can get your hands on a copy, just keep in mind, while I write super-fast, it's a completely different dynamic when there are three of us trying to work out the details, deal with our busy lives, and trying to find time to write. It's going to take a minute. We are committed to finishing it, and this little award should be the nudge we need to kick it in gear - when time permits.
Stand by for updates.
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