Every time I enter one of my books into a contest I never think I'll win. In fact, I'm convinced I'm going to lose. But hope springs eternal and to my surprise it keeps paying off.
Today, The Bookfest announced the winners of the 2023 Spring Bookfest Awards, and I truly pleased to learn The Jaguar Queen has taken gold in the Thriller>Suspense>Paranormal category. That makes my second first place win. The Veritas Codex took gold last fall. I'm
already planning to enter The Alien Accord this fall.
On top of having The Veritas Codex hit #1 in all three of rhe categories it's listed in this week, I feel the momentum for my life's passion coming to fruition.
But it's not just about me. Several of my very good friends also brought home some bling from The Bookfest Awards.
Mark Edward Jones, Daniel Bautz, Whitney Zahar, Angel Giacomo and Cary Herwig - all terrific authors you should check out - all earned recognition for their excellent books.
I'm so proud to be part of a rich writing community where we can celebrate each other. Congratulations to all!
Long Live the Queen! 🐆
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